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With MAKING FUN, de Warande and STORMOPKOMST present an exhibition in which the pleasure of making is palpable. The participating artists start from a fundamental urge to play. They cut and paste, mutilate and twist, build up and break down. Their work is intended to scour, flirt, pop and repel. Sometimes frolicsome, frivolous and light-hearted but equally dry, straightforward and in your face. With both hands in the clay, head in the clouds and two feet forward, loose in the moment. Spontaneous, impulsive, direct.

They make fun of the truth, put you on the wrong foot, only to confront you with the facts. Some mock, for others it is purely about aesthetics, even some form of melancholy can be detected here and there.

Although their works can often be understood at a glance and may look playful and cheerful, these artists cannot be accused of 'escapism'. Their work is uncompromising and not shy of any kind of self-deprecation.

They adopt a critical attitude towards the prevailing speed of today's visual culture and relate to art history while dancing. They bend the popular media to their will, only to abuse it and go straight against it.

They say 'Je m'en fous', 'long live life', 'long live art'.

With works of: Mohamed Alani, Paul Casaer, Jesse Cremers, Leon de Bruijne, Willem de Haan, Nikolaas Demoen, Fleur De Roeck, Kasper De Vos, Johan De Wit, Sam Druant & Justine Grillet, John Wood & Paul Harrison, Stephanie Lamoline, William Ludwig Lutgens, Simon Masschelein, Karl Philips, Marius Ritiu, Robbert & Frank Frank & Robbert, Manon Kündig & Klaas Rommelaere, Wim T. Schippers, Gunther Segers, Lieven Segers, Stijn ter Braak, D.D. Trans, Roeland Tweelinckx, Charline Tyberghein, Ruth van Beek, Fran Van Coppenolle, Jan Vandeplancke, Hannelore Vandepoel, Rinus Van de Velde, Fleur van Dodewaard, Floris Vanhoof, Bram Van Meervelde, Hans Wuyts, de zwarte zusters

February 20

4 SOLO’S, Emergent, Veurne

May 26
